Tuesday 16 August 2016

Mary, the mother of Jesus

I wonder what it was like for Mary – spoken to by angels, “highly favoured” by God, but also a mother, with all the hormones, happiness and heartaches shared by so many women.
One who knew what it was to lose a child, in tragic circumstances, whose hopes and dreams for her son ended so abruptly on a hill outside the city. Or did they? The last time the Bible mentions Mary is in the book of Acts. Easter is over, Jesus returns to his Father – “wait” he tells his followers….

Acts 1:13-14
13 When they had entered (Jerusalem), they went to the room upstairs where they were staying, Peter, and John, and James, and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. 14 All these were constantly devoting themselves to prayer, together with certain women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, as well as his brothers.

Mary Remembers

What a night that was
What a journey it had been
Bone weary
The birth imminent
that we’d find somewhere,
to stay.

My first baby born in a stable!
At least it was warm
And Joseph was wonderful

Now -
My back aches
And my memory’s not what it was
but who could forget that night?

Heralded by a blast of cold night air
strident, discordant voices
recalling a harmony of angels
a fanfare for a Messiah
beyond words
by the sight of the baby in my arms

And I will always remember
A night spent
Not sleeping
But drinking in
The sweetness of his small face
His tiny hands
Noting every intake of breath
Every move
Knowing I would give my life
To keep him safe

There’s another time
I watch the face of my beloved son
not safe in my arms
but high on a cross
his sweet face etched with suffering
his hands punctured by nails
noting every laboured breath
every twitch of pain
knowing I could do nothing to save him

And I remembered Gabriel’s words:
   His name will be Jesus
   the son of the most high God
   he will reign
   and his kingdom will never end

How will this be?
The naïve young girl had dared to ask then

How will this be?
I raged in silence now

Gabriel’s words
echoed down the years:
With God nothing is impossible

as I watch my son suffer
and a sword pierces my heart
as life drains from me
leaving me numb, crushed
as I watch my son die
and the world ends.

There were angels again
the morning we -
the living dead,
go to the tomb
and find it empty,
that the impossible has happened
new life is his
and we too breathe once more

What a night that was
when the angels sang
and hardened shepherds
knelt and smiled
at a baby!

What a morning that was
when heaven rejoiced
and grown men and women cried
to find that Jesus lives!

My beautiful baby boy,
My Lord and Saviour! 

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